1/12/2015 We have received 2 Milwaukee Bucks tickets for Saturday February 7th vs. Boston Celtics. If you want a chance to win these tickets ENTER HERE by January 23rd.We will draw a winner from entries. No cost to enter only one entry per paid up member. 4/28/2014 Little Spirit ICE IS OFF!!! 5/21/2013 Click here to view the latest info on the algae issue. 4/10/2013 The Wisconsin Conservation Congress Hearing were held Monday April 8th evening. Question 96 The proposal to change the Walleye Bag limit on Spirit lakes was supported by a better than two to one vote. You can see the results at this link. This vote is only an advisory vote, but it moves us one step closer to a regulation change. A special Thank You to those who attended the county meetings or E-mailed their support. 3/20/2012 Spring has arrived!! The ice is completely gone! Little Spirit 3/20/2012 4/25/2011 Big Spirit 3/21/2012 4/26/2011 1/28/2012 This past summer the DNR did a aquatic plant survey of North Spirit to view click here 11/5/2011 This summer we purchased and installed a new aerator on Little Spirit. The old one had broke down at the end of this past years aeration season. The repair cost would have been substantial so we elected to purchase a new system. 6/20/2011 On 6/17/2011 Joe Burger met with the DNR to review the results of the initial study regarding the algae issue in our lakes. More information is need to determine if the high phosphorous level can be addressed. Our association would need to pay for an additional study. Please review the meeting summary and let us know your thoughts by commenting on the blog or by E-mail 6/13/2011 You may have noticed some dead Crappie . Here is info from the DNR: The seasonal timing, presumed water temperature, and affected species would suggest that a columnaris infection has caused some fish mortality in Spirit Lake. Last Tuesday we received a similar report of dead crappie, bluegill, and pumpkinseeds in North Spirit Lake. Apparently, the die-off began over the weekend of June 4-5. Fish kills from columnaris rarely affect abundance and size structure at the population level, so there's no need for concern unless rafts of dead fish (1000s or 10000s) start to accumulate on the windswept shores. Thanks for the report. We'll log your observations into our statewide fish kill database. Jeff Scheirer 6/12/2011 Joe Wojick heads up our Walleye stocking project and has provided an update on the project. 11/25/2010
The DNR has recently updated NR 115 Shore land Zoning rules. See rules here! On 9-25-2010 We hit a new highwater level for 2010. A few sectons of docks have been rescued on the big lake. If you are missing part of your dock take a tour of the shoreline and you may find your missing dock. 6-4-2010 Over the Memorial Day weekend a number of dead Crappie were noticed especially in the big lake. We also saw this last year. The DNR believes it is caused by a bacteria called Columnaris. DNR information 5-12-2010 A couple of weeks ago we had fractured rock put in at the boat ramp to hopefully prevent washout at the end of the ramp. The area was dug out and fractured rock the size of of a football was put in and tramped with a backhoe. Please do not power load boats as this is what causes the problem! |