History of Spirit Lakes Improvement Association
1984 Purchased and installed first aerator
1987 Netted bullheads, removed 24,470 lbs.
1988 Netted bullheads, removed 18,050 lbs.
Built a pier for boat landing.
1990 DNR installed a new 3 line underwater aerator in Big Spirit.
1991 Installed our aerator(from 1984) in Little Spirit
1991-1996 Entered floats in the Ice Age Parade to promote SLIA.
1992 Applied for "Clear Water Grant." It was approved in 1993 and study was done.
1993-1994 Built log fish cribs for Big Spirit.
1993 DNR installed another aerator in Little Spirit.
1994-2000 Raffle calendars used as fund raisers.
1994 Work was done on the wings of the dam. Big rocks were removed, clay and riprap
were put in with rocks on top, stopping the leaking of water around the dam.
1995 Paper work was done to get tax exempt status; It was approved, which means we
don't pay state or federal income tax.
1996-2008 Held spaghetti dinner during Ice Age Days.
1996 Added an extra line to the aerator on Big Spirit Lake at our cost. It now runs more
Supported making a fish refuge by the dam.
1997 Purchased storage shed for tent, table, ect.
1998 Purchased and installed 50 plastic fish cribs in Big Spirit, purchased 6 new buoys.
1999 Cooperative effort of SLIA, DNR, both Counties, and both townships to repair the
2000 Purchased and installed 50 plastic fish cribs in Big Spirit.
2000 Harvested 810,000 pounds of weeds from Little Spirit.
2001 Harvested weeds on Little Spirit.
Created Lake Association website www.spiritlakeassoc.org
Began chemical testing of lakes.
2002 Began holding Kid’s Fishing Day.
2003 Purchased underwater camera.
2004 Obtained land use agreement from DNR Built shelter building at boat landing.
Began investigating feasibility of dredging the channel.
2005 Association provide porta-potty at boat landing and began paying to have snow
Hired an engineer to assist in the permitting process to dredge the channel.
Received DNR permit to dredge channel.
2006 Began fundraising efforts for the channel dredging project.
Decided to operate a walleye rearing pond for 2007.
Purchased and stocked 650 Walleye fingerlings in Big Spirit.
Changed electric hook-up on Big Lake aerator.
Replaced rock and channel buoys.
2009 We were awarded a grant from the Wisconsin Waterways Commission to partially
fund the dredging project.
Over 4000 Walleye were stocked in October.
removing approx. 5000 cubic yards of sediment. Click here for additional pictures.
A new shallow water warning buoy was put in North of the island.
In October 916 Walleye fingerlings were put in Big Spirit and 692 were put
in Little Spirit.
2011 Replaced the aerator on Little Spirit Lake.
Held the first annual Musky Tournament.
Stocked 1059 large Walleye fingerlings in Big Spirit.
Stocked 630 large Walleye fingerlings in Little Spirit.
Stocked 1070 large Walleye fingerlings in Big Spirit.
Stocked 630 large Walleye fingerlings in Little Spirit.
2013 Replaced the aerator on Big Spirit Lake.
Insulated and sheeted the shelter building walls.
Stocked 1065 large Walleye fingerlings in Big Spirit.
Stocked 630 large Walleye fingerlings in Little Spirit.
2014 Joined Facebook. www.facebook.com/spiritlakeassoc
Received a grant from the State of Wisconsin to conduct phosphorus study.
Stocked 1315 large Walleye fingerlings in Big Spirit.
Stocked 730 large Walleye fingerlings in Little Spirit.
2015 Conducted phosphorus study.
Stocked 1065 large Walleye fingerlings in Big Spirit.
Stocked 930 large Walleye fingerlings in Little Spirit.